Isn’t it true? Login to websites is the little thing that we all must do in order to Enjoy the Magnificent services that come up
every day in the internet.
Today more and more things are available to us though the web.
But almost each and every one of them requires Login! You want to read email, you need to Login.
You want to shop at Amazon, you need to Login. You want to go to forums , you need to Login.
You want to enter your blog, you need to Login. You want to go to Facebook you need to Login.
You want to post movie on YouTube , you need to Login. You want your bank services, you need to ……… Login.
You want shoping, email ,banking ,finance services, forums, jajah meebo, icq ,msn and more and more and they all ask you to ………. Login.
Did I get my point clear? Is there any need to continue ? Did anyone not see the word “Login” all over ?
Now think of all the user names and passwords that you need to remember in order to Login to all of these sites and enjoy all the services.
Oh sorry, I forgot, you don’t have so many user names and passwords. you Login to all your web sites with the same Login user
and Login password.
Mmmmmmm….. Don’t you think it is a ….. how shell I put it ? Risky?
And probably some of the sites demand a change of password once in a while for security.
And how do you know that all the web site store your passwords in safe manner ? what if some don’t and a hacker get it ?
That’s it! all your Logins are now compromised.
But maybe I am just talking nonsense and you have different user name and password to each web site you Login to and they
are all stored in your head or in the safe in the bank, or , perhaps not exactly in your head, and not exactly in the safe.
Actually it is all over in notes , written in some file called Login.txt or Login.doc .
So what can you do ?
On the one hand you want it all. Login everywhere , Login at day and night and Login to everywhere.
But on the other hand you want to play it safe.
You Do not want to loose control with so many Logins. So here come to the rescue LogOnceToolbar .
This is automatic Login manager. Completely free to download and use. Just click here and get it.
Why is it better for your Logins?
So lets see. First LogOnce Password Manager allow you to manage all you Login information in one place and then automatically
complete your Login data in each website you wish to Login to.
After you record your Login information to the web site at the first time you Login to the site, the Login user name and password
is kept in “Login Information” file. Then , each time you whish to go to that web site (let’s say GMAIL) you do not need to Login
again since LogOnce knows how to complete your Login information for you.
Now about security. LogOnce protect all the Login data with password that only YOU know. This password uses to encrypt the
Login information in such way that it is impossible for someone that do not know the password to extract it.
So yeah, if someone find out what is your main password he can then Login to all your account. Well here , unlike the case of using
the same password in all sites , you have control of the knowledge about the password.
You can memorize it and not write it anywhere.
Also , since it is only one password , you can memorize some long and “hard to figure” password.
And if you think your password was discovered you only need to replace this password and not go to all the
Login sites and change password there.
So that’s what I have to say about the issue of Login and about LogOnce.
Hope I convinced you now. Get it now and don’t be bothered by Login ever again.

About The Author :
Sharon Salmon
I am the founder and CEO
of LogOnce, a company that provides password management solutions.
I have an B.A. degree in Computer science from the Israeli Institute Of Technology.
every day in the internet.
Today more and more things are available to us though the web.
But almost each and every one of them requires Login! You want to read email, you need to Login.
You want to shop at Amazon, you need to Login. You want to go to forums , you need to Login.
You want to enter your blog, you need to Login. You want to go to Facebook you need to Login.
You want to post movie on YouTube , you need to Login. You want your bank services, you need to ……… Login.
You want shoping, email ,banking ,finance services, forums, jajah meebo, icq ,msn and more and more and they all ask you to ………. Login.
Did I get my point clear? Is there any need to continue ? Did anyone not see the word “Login” all over ?
Now think of all the user names and passwords that you need to remember in order to Login to all of these sites and enjoy all the services.
Oh sorry, I forgot, you don’t have so many user names and passwords. you Login to all your web sites with the same Login user
and Login password.
Mmmmmmm….. Don’t you think it is a ….. how shell I put it ? Risky?
And probably some of the sites demand a change of password once in a while for security.
And how do you know that all the web site store your passwords in safe manner ? what if some don’t and a hacker get it ?
That’s it! all your Logins are now compromised.
But maybe I am just talking nonsense and you have different user name and password to each web site you Login to and they
are all stored in your head or in the safe in the bank, or , perhaps not exactly in your head, and not exactly in the safe.
Actually it is all over in notes , written in some file called Login.txt or Login.doc .
So what can you do ?
On the one hand you want it all. Login everywhere , Login at day and night and Login to everywhere.
But on the other hand you want to play it safe.
You Do not want to loose control with so many Logins. So here come to the rescue LogOnceToolbar .
This is automatic Login manager. Completely free to download and use. Just click here and get it.
Why is it better for your Logins?
So lets see. First LogOnce Password Manager allow you to manage all you Login information in one place and then automatically
complete your Login data in each website you wish to Login to.
After you record your Login information to the web site at the first time you Login to the site, the Login user name and password
is kept in “Login Information” file. Then , each time you whish to go to that web site (let’s say GMAIL) you do not need to Login
again since LogOnce knows how to complete your Login information for you.
Now about security. LogOnce protect all the Login data with password that only YOU know. This password uses to encrypt the
Login information in such way that it is impossible for someone that do not know the password to extract it.
So yeah, if someone find out what is your main password he can then Login to all your account. Well here , unlike the case of using
the same password in all sites , you have control of the knowledge about the password.
You can memorize it and not write it anywhere.
Also , since it is only one password , you can memorize some long and “hard to figure” password.
And if you think your password was discovered you only need to replace this password and not go to all the
Login sites and change password there.
So that’s what I have to say about the issue of Login and about LogOnce.
Hope I convinced you now. Get it now and don’t be bothered by Login ever again.

About The Author :
Sharon Salmon
I am the founder and CEO
of LogOnce, a company that provides password management solutions.
I have an B.A. degree in Computer science from the Israeli Institute Of Technology.
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