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Lines and Wrinkles--What Can You Do About Them?

Lines and Wrinkles--What Can You Do About Them?

Let's face it, at some point we're all going to have lines and wrinkles.  But there's no reason you have to have them young.  It's quite possible to delay these signs of aging as long as possible.  Good skincare helps, so does eating right and taking care of yourself.

How does that all work together to prevent lines and wrinkles you ask?  Well, here you go.

Your Lifestyle Affects Your Skin

Your body is your largest organ.  Treat it right by getting enough rest so it can do its nightly task of renewing your skin cells.  Use a good quality moisturizer to nourish your cells and hydrate them so your skin looks refreshed in the morning.

Eat right.  Yep, lots of fruits and veggies will have an impact on your skin and on how fast you develop lines and wrinkles.  By eating these you'll get your antioxidants which slows down your bodies' aging.

You can also get antioxidants in your skincare.  More on that in a moment.

Stay out of the sun.  You've heard it a 1000 times but chances are good if you're seeing lines and wrinkles on your skin—particularly the backs of your hands and your décolletage—it's because of too much sun.  It's not to late to protect them.  Use a good quality lotion on them daily to hydrate your skin and keep them out of the sun now.

Don't smoke.  Smoking creates lines around your mouth which turn into deeper wrinkles.  Plus, it pollutes your skin and can cause it to look a bit yellow.

Get exercise.  Get your heart pumping by dancing, walking fast, running or whatever you enjoy.  Exercise increases your blood circulation which means more oxygen gets through your body.  More oxygen=more nutrients=healthier skin.

Prevent Lines and Wrinkles With Your Skincare

You know it's important to wash the dirt/makeup/pollution off your face at the end of the day.  It's just as important to wash the oil residue off at night.  And, the ingredients you use can either do your skin good or strip it of essential oils.

Shea butter is a natural ingredient that hydrates your skin.  If you've ever used it in body or hand cream you know it's rich and thick and feels wonderful on dry skin.  When you keep your skin well hydrated, you have fewer wrinkles because your skin is healthier.

Another terrific ingredient is active manuka honey.  This special honey is proven to boost your collagen cell output which means your skin will stay smoother and firmer for years longer with regular use.

To learn more about how top ingredients can delay the onset of lines and wrinkles or reverse the ones you have, please visit my website where I share the beauty secrets of the stars.

Audrey Alexander
Audrey Alexander has been researching natural skin and health care for over 3 years. Visit her site now to learn more about cutting edge natural skincare products she recommends after extensive research:

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